Shipping & Delivery
1. Shipping Methods
We offer the following shipping methods for orders placed on Flavorade Extracts :
– Standard Shipping
– Express Shipping
2. Processing Time
Orders are typically processed and shipped within 2 to 3 business days of payment confirmation. Please note that orders are not processed or shipped on weekends or holidays.
3. Shipping Destinations
We currently ship orders to addresses across the states. If you require shipping to a different destination, please contact us for assistance.
4. Tracking Orders
Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information. You can use this information to track the status of your delivery.
5. Shipping Costs
Shipping costs vary depending on the shipping method selected and the destination of the delivery. The shipping cost for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.
6. Delivery Time
The delivery time for your order depends on the shipping method selected and your location. Estimated delivery times are as follows:
– Standard Shipping: 2 to 3 Business Days delivery
– Express Shipping: Next day Delivery
7. Delayed or Missing Orders
If your order is delayed or goes missing in transit, please contact us immediately so we can investigate the issue and provide a resolution.
8. International Shipping
For international orders, please be aware that additional customs duties or taxes may apply upon delivery. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and are not included in the shipping cost.
9. Contact Us
If you have any questions about our delivery process or need further assistance, please contact us at [email protected]